És egy teljesen aktuális téma:
01. Name a TV show series in which you have seen every episode at least twice:
Őőőőő... House MD
02. Name a show you can't miss:
Heroes, Supernatural... jelenleg XD
03. Name an actor who would make you more inclined to watch a show:
Milo Ventimiglia alias Peter Petrelli: Heroes (ha actress is lehet: Kristen Bell alias Elle Bishop: Heroes)
04. Name an actor who would make you less likely to watch a show:
Sendhil Ramamurthy (Mohinder) (Actress: Dania Ramirez, Olivia Wild)
05. Name a show you can and do quote from:
mhhhh... Heroes, Supernatural
06. Name a show you like that no one else you know enjoys:
mhhhh... ilyen volt az SN és az NCIS is... (már nem ez a helyzet, szerencsére XD)
07. Name a TV show which you've been known to sing the theme song:
Gilmore Girls *Whereyoulead...lalalalala*
08. Name a show you would recommend everyone to watch:
09. Name a TV series you own on DVD:
Supernatural, Heroes, Gilmore Girls
10. Name an actor who launched his/her entertainment career in another medium but who has surprised you with his/her acting chops in television:
Fogalmam sincs mit akar tőlem ez a kérdés...
11. What is your favorite episode of your favorite series?
Ez nehéz, de azért: House: Mistake, Supernatural: Eris Quod Sum, Heroes: Four Mont Ago, How to Stop an Exploding Man; (A GG-ből most nem tudok...)
12. Name a show you keep meaning to watch but you just haven’t gotten around to yet:
Mi van?
13. Ever quit watching a show because it was so bad?
Aham. Heroes 1. rész. Nem tetszett. (De azért 2. nekifutásra meg tudtam nézni.)
14. Name a show that's made you cry multiple times:
House, Supernatural, Gilmore Girls
15. What do you eat when you watch TV?
16. How often do you watch TV?
minden nap :D
17. What's the last TV show you watched?
őőőőő... Supernaturalt, tegnap este és mekkora egy rész volt!
18. What's your favorite/preferred genre of TV?
Drama, Comedy, Action... nem tom, mindenevő vagyok
19. What was the first TV show you were obsessed with?
Dallas... jujj! :D JhonnySamantha!
20. What TV show do you wish you never watched?
Grey's Anatomy
21. What is the weirdest show you enjoyed?
Doctor Who, de annak az összes része...
22. What TV show scared you the most?
Maybe... Supernatural
23. What is the funniest TV show you have ever watched?
Two And A Half Men
24. Do you prefer TV to films?
25. Name 3 TV relationships that you love.
Csak 3-at? Ez nehéz lesz. Lorelai/Luke, Claire/Peter, Sammy/Dean és cask párat szedtem ki a kedvencek közül.
Kicsit egyoldalú lett, de hát most ez van. Majd kitöltöm egy félév múlva is. :P
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